Central Council open meeting

Central Council of Church Bell Ringers
Ringing 2030 Open Meeting

Sunday 1st September 2024 at 8pm, by Zoom

Come and have your say on the future of the Central Council finances.  The meeting will feature short presentations on Ringing 2030 and the financial proposals.  It will then be opened to all participants to give their views on these proposals.
The meeting is open all, not just CCCBR representatives.
To reserve your place (and join the conversation) send an email to:
Please include Open Meeting in the title of your email, and also please include your name and location.


Michaelmas Course

Apologies for the late entry about the Michaelmas Course as the closing date for applications is only next week.

Based in EBSB and nearby branches

 Saturday 28th September, 2024

10.00 – 18.00

 Cost £20

 This course is designed to provide opportunities for students to learn and practise more advanced methods than those offered on the Radley and Steeple Aston courses.

The day will start with a tutorial at the first tower followed by a practical session and further ringing, usually at two other nearby towers.

Depending on demand, groups will be formed to cover the following options:

  • Stedman Triples (entry level Stedman Doubles/Grandsire Triples)
  • Surprise Minor (entry level Treble Bob Minor)
  • Basic Surprise Major – to include Cambridge and Yorkshire (entry level Cambridge Minor/Treble Bob Major)
  • Advanced Surprise/Delight Major – selected methods from the ‘core seven Pickled Egg’ and ‘Standard Eight’ (entry level Cambridge/Yorkshire Major)

Further details and application forms are available from the secretary of the L & D Workgroup:

Robert Newton, 11, Plowden Park, Aston Rowant, Watlington, Oxon OX49 5SX

Tel. 01844 352926                       edsecretary@odg.org.uk

Closing date for applications: 28th August 2024

Steeple Aston Course

One Day Ringing Course, Steeple Aston, Oxon
Saturday 26th October 2024

Are you learning plain bob doubles or grandsire doubles, want some more practice, or want to move on to triples or major?
The Steeple Aston course is the ringing course for you!

Application forms are on the Guild website or available from your branch secretary. Please submit your completed application form to Jo Druce (joannedruce2@gmail.com) by the closing date of 31 August 2024. Cost £30 which includes tower donations and two course evening meal.

Charmborough Mobile Bell Tower at Cholsey Show

We are having the Charmborough Mobile Bell Tower at the Cholsey Show on  Saturday 10th August.  Bells should be available from 12 noon –approx 5pm.  We would be pleased if some of the Branch Members would come and  have a ring(maybe a quarter peal as we had last time).  I have enough volunteers for setting up etc.  We are very excited and hope that some of you will join us.  Entry to the show is FREE!

From Jenny.  email:- cholsey@onb.odg.org.uk

8 Bell striking competition between Reading and Sonning Branch

On Saturday 20th January the annual 8 Bell striking competition between Reading and Sonning Branch took place, hosted by Reading Branch at St. Michael’s Tilehurst.

Reading entered 2 teams, one from St Mary’s Reading and one Branch Team.  Sonning entered 3 teams, one from All Saints Wokingham, one from Arborfield and Sonning, and one from Hurst.

Once all had rung the judges, Robert and Patricia Newton from High Wycombe gave the results.  Hurst was a “learner” band and runs 250 changes of rounds.  All Saints rang 252 changes (including 1 minute of rounds) of Grandsire Triples.  Reading Branch rang 238 changes including 210 of Grandsire Triples.  Arborfield and Sonning rang 284 changes of Plain Bob Triples, being 3 plain courses.  Finally, Reading St. Mary rang 242 changes including 210 of Grandsire Triples.

Because of the difference in number of changes rang, the judges gave the results as “faults per 100 changes”.  The results being:-

1st Reading Branch  18.3 faults

2nd Reading St Marys 24 faults

3rd All Saints Wokingham 41.5 faults

4th Arborfield and Sonning 43 faults

5th Hurst 73.2 faults

So Reading Branch we’re very pleased to be the top 2 teams.

It was a very sociable and enjoyable morning with a good opportunity to mix with the Sonning branch and we look forward to the next competition to be hosted by Sonning branch in November.

Above are photos of the winning team (anti-clockwise from front left) and the presentation of the Trophy by Robert and Pat Newton to Giles Winter, Chair of the Reading Branch and conductor of the Reading Branch Team.

The Reading Branch Team

1 Josie Irving – Goring

2 Nicola Roberts – Goring

3 Jenny Page – Caversham

4 Robert Partridge – Shiplake

5 Elizabeth Evans – Tilehurst

6 Doug Beaumont – Caversham

7 Giles Winter – Tilehurst (Conductor)

8 Colin Cairns – Tilehurst